2023 Fiverr Promo Video
This is a 75-second promo I created to promote an online course development gig. It was done in one day mostly with Digital Juice content and Premiere Pro. The courses in the screens were developed by me a few years back.

2020 Tucson Wedding Video
A friend approached me to shoot and edit a wedding video for a family member. I wasn’t obligated to do anything and there wasn’t a promise of pay, but I went ahead and shot it as if it was a highly paid gig just to see what I could create. This is the result below.Continue reading “2020 Tucson Wedding Video”

2019 Writing From the Inside Out (Edited by J. Benson)
Jim Knight has an introductory video for his summer workshop at Amherst College’s Summer Program. If you have any questions, or would like to participate in this workshop, please contact Jim at 520-299-4514. Seating is limited.

2019 Tubac Javelina Project
The Javelina Project was created in 2019 to promote the city of Tubac, AZ by creating a series of painted javelinas with the collaboration of local artists and distributing them throughout the state. I was the videographer for the artist interviews. The first video was a solo piece, and the second one was the wholeContinue reading “2019 Tubac Javelina Project”

2019 Run with the Roosters with Inez
I don’t usually run, but when Inez does, I follow her and record some video and take some photos to commemorate the occasion.

2019 Mitsuko’s 9th Grade Graduation & Projects
These are some snippets about my daughter, her graduation and some videos she made for her school.

2019 “Welcome to America” by Uncle Nard (shot by David Cheng & Chad Hendricks)
Welcome to America was a pitch project for Eddie Murphy’s sequel to Welcome to America the movie, but it fell through because of the speed of production for that movie. David Robinson (Uncle Nard) produced the project and David Cheng and Chad Hendricks assisted as co-directors. David Robinson edited the piece.

2019 “Politics” by Tru Composure
This video was recorded and edited by me, with some camera help by Ketil Gunnberg, a veteran camera operator. The audio was mixed by Peter Ronstadt, nephew of Linda Ronstadt. This is an original composition by Tru Composure and Lamar White.

2017 Tru Composure Promotions
Tru Composure is a Motown style band from Jacksonville Florida, and is now in Tucson. Because of the style of music, Tru Composure singer and founder Lamar White approached us to help in promoting locally in Tucson, by taping some of their shows. We have an abridged version of one to demonstrate their talent.

2017 “Just Listen” Music Video by Uncle Nard
This music video by David L. Robinson from Tal-kin Trees was edited, sung, and portrayed by him, but I filmed most scenes, and the drone footage. This is part of his “Past, Present, Future” album, which is available in most online music services, or through his website https://www.talkintrees.com/music

2016 Lost in Expid: HTML5 Video Game
This is a demo game made with RPG Maker MV. It is only 5% complete, but it is a proof of concept of what can be done with HTML5. Press the button below to play the game. If it doesn’t show up after you press it, refresh the page or change your browser.

2015 Girl Scouts PSAs
These videos were made to help my daughter and her fellow girl scouts with creating Public Service Announcements. I recorded and edited the pieces with the girls input. Here are three below…

2015 Basic Sofrito Recipe, a mixture for sauteing
Sofrito is a group of ingredients blended together to make the cooking process faster, and makes many dishes taste better. Just saute some sofrito before you add other ingredients, and you will have your best meal in ages. I did eyeball the ingredients, so if you are not sure, a good rule is to useContinue reading “2015 Basic Sofrito Recipe, a mixture for sauteing”

2015 Accelerated College
A series of 4 videos that helps students to finish college faster. I created the storyboard and with the help of college experts, including Keith Seigle, me and John Barton created four sections that are of interest to students that want to finish college faster.

2012 Saniglaze Training Intro
Saniglaze approached our college to help in creating a series of training videos for their workers in the field. I shot, scripted, and edited this video to demonstrate our capabilities. The voiceover was provided by Eddie Rodriguez. There was some After Effects that I used for the motion graphics. All of the logos and labelsContinue reading “2012 Saniglaze Training Intro”

2011 Fake One-Minute Commercials
These fake commercials were for an assignment just to show that I can put together one-minute advertising pieces. We had to use iMovie for them. Someone told me recently that the videos didn’t seem to show that the solutions were implemented. At the time I felt that we couldn’t fix life situations, we could justContinue reading “2011 Fake One-Minute Commercials”

2011 Desire2Learn Bridge Course
This 2011 project was created to get faculty trained in a new learning management system, from Blackboard Vista to Desire2Learn. This version has both the preview hook, and the tutorial afterwards. It used a combination of an iMovie trailer, and a Camtasia video with some extra parts made with Avid Media Composer.

2011 All College Day from PCC
Every year I was commissioned to create an open to the ceremonies of All College Day with Pima Community College. This video was the last one I did for them. It combines an open/hook (in a separate video), a traditional slideshow, and a final part made of multiple green screen shots. All of those wereContinue reading “2011 All College Day from PCC”

2011 “I am a Snake” a project for when you have too much B-Roll
The video below was a gag video to reuse some b-roll for a project that showed one thing, that you can make a nonsensical video that is still watchable. I used a reverse tripod for a scene, almost everything else was from leftover footage.

2010 THE105 Introductory Videos
These videos were originally made for a theater course with Dr. Frank Pickard for multiple faculty. I shot the videos in a studio, with Len Thurman as the instructional designer, edited them and placed them in the master course. There are 16 videos in total.

2010 FISH! the Quiz
A silly project from 2010 stemming from watching the FISH! Philosophy videos, and wanting to make our own in Pima Community College. There were many people involved in this project, and I want to thanks every one of them for participating in this video.

2010 ArizMATYC Conference Promo Video
This video was at the landing page of the ArizMATYC Organization’s conference webpage (now at http://arizmatyc.org) for their 2010 conference, which was held at Pima Community College. We filmed it on location, and I edited it with Avid Media Composer.

2010 A Door to a World of Art
This video won the 2010 Bronze Award from the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) in the documentary category. It is about the life & art of painter Joseph DiGiorgio (1931-2000), the large group of paintings that were inspired by the Tucson desert landscape, and that are now in the care of his friend DanContinue reading “2010 A Door to a World of Art”

2010 “Hot Pion” telling the tragedy of the 1970 Hotel Pioneer Fire in Tucson, AZ
In 1970, a fire at a famous Tucson hotel (the Pioneer Hotel) changed the lives of not only the affected, but of the nation. After the fire, many fire code laws were created so a tragedy like this would never happen again. This 26 minute documentary was produced by the Pesqueira family, which some ofContinue reading “2010 “Hot Pion” telling the tragedy of the 1970 Hotel Pioneer Fire in Tucson, AZ”

2009 Pima Community College 40th Anniversary Video
This promo was aired for the 40th Anniversary of Pima Community College. It was aired in their channel, and in cable. Some of the footage was shot by me. The end motion graphic was done by me with After Effects, everything else was with Avid Media Composer.

2009 Dante’s Inferno Clips
This was a project for a humanities course at Pima Community College. They needed a narrator representing Dante from Dante’s Inferno reciting some of the passages of his book. I took a painting of Dante, used an animation program called Crazy Talk to animate his mouth, and got a fellow instructional designer (Ron Booth) toContinue reading “2009 Dante’s Inferno Clips”

2009 All College Day 2009
The theme of this video was to talk about your most embarrassing moment. With this I went ahead and with a small team, including Dan Pinard and Ketil Gunnberg, interviewed as many staff and faculty members as possible. It is meant to be a fun video, with lots of special effects and silly sounds. IContinue reading “2009 All College Day 2009”

2008 “Arts at your Side” the use of visual and music arts as therapy
This was my senior project at Temple University for my Communications & Mass Media BA. I was a co-producer in the project, and it’s goal was to get funds to extend research on Art/Music Therapy for spinal cord injuries and other serious conditions. The next year, a producer for PBS recreated this documentary but withContinue reading “2008 “Arts at your Side” the use of visual and music arts as therapy”

2007 In-Camera Editing
I first started to experiment with miniDV and other tape formats of the day in an introductory video course. This is a video that I did for my course, shot at Shofuso House in Philadelphia. It was all edited in-camera, including the rudimentary title options. It also has my mom as a cameo. The audioContinue reading “2007 In-Camera Editing”